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Teleskop > Omegon > Advanced > Omegon Maksutov-teleskop Advanced MC 152/1900 EQ-500
Artikelnr: 50123

Maksutov-teleskop Advanced MC 152/1900 EQ-500

Rekommenderat försäljningspris: $ 1.016,80 Vårt pris:
$ 990,00 inkl. moms plus fraktkostnader
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Omegon Maksutov - excellent contrast for observing the Moon and planets

This Maksutov telescope is an 'expert telescope' for lunar and planetary observing. This telescope design boasts excellent contrast with a sharp image. This telescope can show you masses of detail in lunar craters or in the cloud bands and features of the planets.

The advantages in a nutshell

  • Maksutov telescope - compact and lightweight design
  • suitable for astronomy or nature-watching
  • optimal for smaller mounts
  • suitable for taking on trips
  • GP prism rail for super-fast mounting

Always a perfect image

The Maksutov system could not be more brilliant -a compact telescope, but with an extremely long focal length. It is easy to get an excellent image at high magnification, even using cheap and simple eyepieces - an advantage sadly lacking with many short focal length telescopes.

The success of Dimitri Maksutov
When the optical engineer Dmitri Maksutov invented the Maksutov telescope in 1942, he could not have imagined that it would become such a success story. The success of this ingenious design still continues even more than 70 years after its invention. Good designs withstand the test of time. See for yourself just how good this Maksutov telescope is.

What you can observe with a Maksutov telescope?

  • the Moon with its thousands of craters
  • the gas giants Jupiter and Saturn
  • the phases of Venus
  • polar caps and dark regions on Mars
  • binary stars, such as the Albireo system
  • nature - mountains, wildlife, birds, etc.

Fond of travelling? - there is always space in your luggage for it

Whether by car or plane - this telescope can accompany you anywhere on Earth. The fact that the optical system is short is a great advantage - it means you can take it with you into the mountains or desert, where the view of the night sky is unparalleled.

Dovetail rail - simply attach to a mount and you're ready to go

The telescope OTA attaches easily to your mount. You do not need any tube clamps - a GP format prism mount is already firmly attached to the OTA.

Finder shoe - suitable for most finder scopes

The Omegon Maksutov comes equipped with a finder scope mounting that will take most of the finder scopes available. This includes Omegon, Celestron, Skywatcher, Vixen and other finder scopes. Decide for yourself - would you prefer an LED finder or optical finder? Slide it in and you're ready to go!

Omegon 8x50 finder scope - To help you locate astronomical objects more easily

Finding an object in the night sky is quick and easy with the Skywatcher 8x50 finder scope - this mini-telescope provides you with a wide view of the sky. After first sighting on an object using the thin crosshairs, you will then see your object in the field of view of the main telescope. Without using a finder scope, locating an object would be pure chance. This finder scope lets you consistently locate your objects.

Omegon 10mm and 25mm eyepiece set - magnify objects to observe more detail

A telescope and its eyepieces - they go together like a camera and its lenses. Only when you insert an eyepiece into a telescope do you see first an image and the magnification it gives. This very competitively priced eyepiece set consists of a 10mm and a 25mm eyepiece. These two 1.25 inch eyepieces can be the basic accessories for your first observing.

The mount

Omegon advanced EQ-500 mount - A masterpiece in the middle heavyweight class

The larger the telescope, the more it can show you of the wonders of the universe. Galaxies sprout arms and clusters turn into diamond tiaras. But for your observing to become a real experience, you need a stable mount. The Omegon Advanced EQ-500 mount provides a solid base for Newtonian telescopes of up to 200mm aperture for example.

Equatorial design - easy to follow the stars

This mount is an equatorial design. Once aligned, the mount can track stars, planets and other astronomical objects by rotating on a single axis. The advantage is that you only have to track the telescope using that one axis, making it easier to hold objects in the field of view. So you will have hours of relaxed observing and perhaps even be able to get your entire family interested in your hobby.

Medium Weight - carrying capacity of up to 10kg

The Omegon EQ-500 belongs to the middle range weight class for mounts and can therefore carry telescopes of up to 10kg. You can attach a 200mm Newtonian telescope, a 9.25" SC or a 150mm refractor to the EQ-500, so the EQ-500 makes you extremely flexible regarding your telescope selection.

Ball bearing mounted axes mean quieter operation

Both axes of the Omegon EQ-500 mount run on ball bearings, so the mechanism runs especially quietly. Objects seem to simply float through the field of view, even when making corrections using the slow-motions.

Precision location of the celestial pole

As with larger mounts, the two azimuth screws and two polar elevation screws ensure quick and easy alignment on the Pole Star - letting you get on with an exciting night's observing.

Preparation for a polar finder scope

If you are interested in astrophotography, then why not equip your mount with an advanced polar finder scope. This lets you increase the mount's precision and takes your astrophotography to the next level. Long exposures (motor recommended) then become possible.

Steel tripod for more stability

This stainless steel tripod provides a much more stable base for the telescope mount compared to models made from aluminium. It is exactly this steadiness that the quality of your observing ultimately depends on. The three steel legs are additionally reinforced by a metal plate giving you a tripod that will not wobble during your observing. The metal plate also has holes provided for holding your eyepieces during your observing sessions.

The advantages in a nutshell:

  • Omegon Advanced EQ-500 mount
  • carries telescopes of up to 10kg in weight
  • easy tracking of astronomical objects with handy slow-motion controls
  • quick-release prism rail mounting for OTAs
  • quiet running - axes run on ball-bearings
  • upgradeable for astrophotography
  • with extendable stainless steel tripod - adjustable and ultra-stable
  • includes two 4.3kg counterweights
  • upgradable motor available for automatic tracking

Included with this complete system

  • 152/1900 Maksutov OTA with 1.25" focuser
  • EQ-500 mount
  • 9x50 finder scope
  • eyepiece set - 10mm and 25mm
  • 1.25" mirror star diagonal

Tekniska data


Typ av byggnad
Öppning (mm)
Brännvidd (mm)
Öppningsförhållande (f/)
Gränsmagnitud (mag)
Max användbar förstoring
Sluten tub


Typ av byggnad
Adapter (på okularsidan)
1,25; T2


Typ av byggnad



Medföljande tillbehör

Okular 1,25''
K 25mm, K 10mm


Särskilda rekommendationer


Måne och planeter
Nebulosor och galaxer
rekommenderas ej

Rekommenderas för...



Tillverkare: NIMAX GmbH, Otto-Lilienthal-Str. 9, 86899 Landsberg am Lech, DE,

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Omegon Maksutov-teleskop Advanced MC 152/1900 EQ-500
June Solstice Full Moon and saharan dust Photo by Giovanni Vincenzo & Giuseppe Donatiello

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