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It not only matters which telescope you buy but also where you buy it. Our additional services:
- We are a leading telescope dealer and know the devices we sell. Our customer service team will gladly help you after your purchase if you have problems with assembly or operation.
- We provide a copy of the 80-page Telescope ABC beginners handbook with every telescope.
Vår expertkommentar:
RedCat 51 är nog ett av de mest omtyckta Apo-teleskopen från William Optics, och det är inte utan anledning: Det levererar perfekta astrofoton av deep sky-objekt och är mycket lätt att transportera tack vare sin blygsamma storlek.
(Jan Ströher)
The RedCat 51 is probably one of William Optics’ most loved apochromats and not without good reason. It delivers perfect astrophotos of deep-sky objects and is easily transportable due to its small size.
(Jan Ströher)